The Cave
Do you dare step into the darkness...
What do you notice in the cave? What do the objects tell us about the people who lived here? What qualities will you need as a story rebel here?
Well done to you Story Rebel. You have found yourself here, in the Cave.
Take a look around you.
Maybe you have already time travelled to other worlds, maybe this is your first.
Whatever you do, you should try and notice things.
Remember, this is a journey, and you are an explorer.
You need to help Lisa to get back home and find out what happened on the planet Earth. There are lots of clues in the cave and the wasteland. Leave your ideas for other story rebels to find too. Your job is to travel through the cave and the wasteland and get back to Planet Anksi, in time to present what you have found. Find the clues from Dr Roberts and Lisa first. You can do it!